Feline Behaviour and Psychology Dipolma Course
Diploma in Feline Behaviour and Psychology
Level 3 PD Accredited CPD
Essential Cat and Kitten Care CPD
Behaviour and Welfare OCN Award Level 3
Home checker for Last Chance Animal Rescue
Supporter of the Cats Protection League
The Original Traditional and Patriarca Bloodlines
(you don't need to have one of my offspring!)
so please don't hesitate to ring me if you need help or advice
01202 020 990 or 07989 189 888 (between 10am - 7pm)
Help & Advice for...... Rehoming (always a difficult subject)
Anyone who wants a new kitten - what to do, what NOT to do !
Anyone who needs help or advice on most problems with most animals
Anyone who is concerned about introducing a new kitten to a home where there are already cats present
(yes I have a DIVA as well - she is jealous of any of my other cats - but its not such a big problem as you think !)
I then moved on to Rabbits, then Guinea Pigs, cats, dogs, Arabian Horses, miniture horses etc etc.........
Eventually by accident in 1970/1, I purchased from a backyard breeder (more like rescued) a seal tabby female siamese, in the most awful state, from a shed, who trned out to be pregnant, so by default I started breeding Siamese Cats,
Also in the early '80's I was co-opted onto the committee of The Moulton College in Kettering,
a position I held until I moved back to London in 1997.
,Apart from the obvious committee meetings I had groups of 10 Students come that were on courses,
I taught them how to run a Licenced Boarding (FAB Approved) Cattery, also a Breeding Cattery.
in 2013 & 2014, finally achieved Qualified Kennel Club Judge status in 2014.
However, I could not live without my cats so bought a couple of Ragdolls...........
(a breed which I had underestimated, incredible, clever, loyal, more dog-like than cats!)
I found that RAGDOLL'S were the most amazing, clever, intuitive breed,
Due to the lack of quality Breeders in the South of England, I decided to breed these amazing fur babies
Also I am happy to help anyone who wants to show their kitten or cat,
I honestly feel that if we strive to breed any species it should be the best,
I feel that anything less personally is not worth the effort,
and after all it does not cost any more to produce beautiful show quality babies,
than to breed something not worth my time,
except of course the backyard breeders who sell "cheap kittens"
Normally at 8 weeks, unvaccinated, not microchipped etc., normally with a fake pedigree, no registration etc.
All this YOU need to pay for in the end.
1 Google review https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.snowpoms-ragdolls.com (copy & paste this link !)
